Wheelchair Tennis Interview
We are going to know a little about adapted tennis or better known wheelchair tennis, in this section we have...
Leer más...College Tennis Interviews
In this section we will have guests with experience in University Tennis who will tell us about their experiences, the...
Leer más...Kinesiology and Physiotherapy Interviews
Let´s know a little more about the most common injuries in tennis players, What causes them? the methods to treat...
Leer más...Physical Training Interviews
In this section we will have invited experts in the Physical Condition part, many of them have worked with Professional...
Leer más...Neurocience Interviews Applied to Tennis and Sports Psychology
Let’s learn a little more about the importance of Neuroscience applied to Tennis and Sports Psychology in Tennis. Tennis for...
Leer más...Nutrition Interview
We are going to know a little, about how food should be for athletes and people with obesity, Many times...
Leer más...Tennis Interviews
Let´s get to know a little more about this wonderful sport that we are so passionate about. In each interview...
Leer más...Interviews from other Sports
Let´s learn little more about other sports, about the history and trajectory of great athletes, coaches, referees, managers among others,...
Leer más...Beach Tennis Interviews
In each interview, we will know a little more about this wonderful sport and how it is expanding and developing...
Leer más...Live Tennis Training Session at Home
Enjoy Live Tennis Session at Home, designed by our Director and Tennis Coach Jessica Palma, to improve your physical and...
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